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OutOfPhase1.1 Source
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/* NoteObject.h */
#ifndef Included_NoteObject_h
#define Included_NoteObject_h
/* NoteObject module depends on */
/* MiscInfo.h */
/* Audit */
/* Debug */
/* Definitions */
/* BinaryCodedDecimal */
/* Memory */
/* Screen */
/* Fractions */
/* DrawCommand */
/* DataMunging */
/* Numbers */
/* Frequency */
/* MainWindowStuff */
/* BufferedFileInput */
/* BufferedFileOutput */
/* TempoController */
#include "Screen.h"
#include "BinaryCodedDecimal.h"
#include "MainWindowStuff.h"
/* forward declarations */
struct FractionRec;
struct BufferedInputRec;
struct BufferedOutputRec;
#ifdef ShowMe_NoteObjectRec
/* declared publicly for fast access during play routines */
struct NoteObjectRec
/* flags field. if high bit is set, then it is a command and the low order */
/* bits are the opcode. if high bit is clear, then it is a note and the low */
/* order bits determine the duration and some other information */
unsigned long Flags;
/* data fields */
/* halfstep pitch index */
short Pitch;
/* portamento rate flag. this parameter determines how long a portamento */
/* transition should take, in fractions of a quarter note. it only has */
/* effect if this note is the target of a tie. A value of 0 means it */
/* should be instantaneous, i.e. no portamento. */
SmallBCDType PortamentoDuration;
/* displacement forward and backward, in fractions of a quarter note. */
/* this value is added to the current overall early/late adjust factor */
/* as determined by the default and any adjustments or sweeps in progress */
/* as initiated by channel commands */
SmallBCDType EarlyLateAdjust;
/* note duration adjustment, in fractions of a quarter note. this value */
/* is either added to or multiplied by the duration to make the note run */
/* longer or shorter. this does not effect when subsequent notes start. */
SmallBCDType DurationAdjust;
/* note to tie after completion of this note (NIL = none) */
struct NoteObjectRec* Tie;
/* these are fine tuning adjustment parameters. they correspond to */
/* some of the values that can be set by commands. the values in */
/* these parameters have effect over and above the effects of the */
/* values set in the commands (i.e. the effects are cumulative) when */
/* appropriate. */
/* release points as a fraction of the note's duration */
/* these are relative to either the beginning of the note (key-down) or */
/* the end of the note (duration counter runout) as determined by some */
/* bits in the flags word. If the flag indicates that the default origin */
/* should be used, then this value is added to the channel overall/default */
/* value, otherwise the default value is not used. */
SmallBCDType ReleasePoint1;
SmallBCDType ReleasePoint2;
/* adjustment for overall loudness envelope */
/* this factor multiplicatively scales the output volume of the channel, */
/* so a value of 1 leaves it unchanged. This scaling is in addition to */
/* the channel overall/default scaling, by multiplying the values. */
SmallBCDType OverallLoudnessAdjustment;
/* left-right positioning adjustment for the note */
/* this factor determines where the sound will come from when stereo */
/* synthesis is being used. -1 is far left, 1 is far right, and 0 is */
/* center. This is added to the channel overall/default position. */
SmallBCDType StereoPositionAdjustment;
/* front-back positioning adjustment for the note */
/* this factor determines where the sound will come from when surround */
/* synthesis is being used. 1 is far front and -1 is far rear. this */
/* is added to the channel overall/default position */
SmallBCDType SurroundPositionAdjustment;
/* special accent adjustments value for wave table generators */
/* these factors are the base-2 log of multiplicative scaling factors. */
/* therefore, 0 makes no change, 1 doubles the target value, and -1 */
/* halves it. the values are combined with the respective global */
/* channel values via addition. */
SmallBCDType Accent1;
SmallBCDType Accent2;
SmallBCDType Accent3;
SmallBCDType Accent4;
/* then this is the pitch to use to select the sample or wave table from */
/* the multisample list instead of Pitch. if this is -1, then Pitch */
/* should be used for sample selection. */
short MultisamplePitchAsIf;
/* adjustment factor for pitch displacement depth envelope amplitude. */
/* this factor determines the depth of the frequency LFO generators. */
/* the envelope controlling the depth is taken as a value from 0..1. */
/* the value is multiplied by the overall channel value. */
SmallBCDType PitchDisplacementDepthAdjustment;
/* adjustment factor for pitch displacement rate envelope amplitude. */
/* this factor determines the rate of the frequency LFO generators. the */
/* envelope controlling the rate is taken as a value from 0..1. this */
/* parameter provides units, in periods per second, for scaling the rate */
/* envelope output. This value is added to the overall channel/default */
/* value. */
SmallBCDType PitchDisplacementRateAdjustment;
/* selection of pitch displacement envelope start point. */
/* this specifies when the pitch displacement LFOs start. this value */
/* is relative to the start or end of the note, as determined by some */
/* bits in the flags word. If the flags specify that the default origin */
/* should be used, then the value is added to the default start point, */
/* otherwise the default start point is not used. */
SmallBCDType PitchDisplacementStartPoint;
/* overall envelope rate adjustment. */
/* this factor scales the total speed with which all envelopes associated */
/* with the note undergo transitions. A value of 1 does not change them, */
/* smaller values accelerate transition. This value is in addition to */
/* the channel/default value via multiplication of the values. */
SmallBCDType HurryUpFactor;
/* detuning in either Hertz or halfsteps. */
/* this value specifies how much to detune the nominal pitch of the note. */
/* the value is either in units of Hertz or halfsteps, as determined by */
/* a bit in the flags word, and the detuning is added to the channel */
/* overall/default detuning. If the flags indicate that the default */
/* pitch coversion should be used, then this value is multiplied by */
/* the channel overall/default value to scale it. */
SmallBCDType Detuning;
} Note;
/* string argument for commands. NIL means it hasn't been defined */
char* StringArgument;
/* numeric arguments for commands */
long Argument1;
long Argument2;
long Argument3;
} Command;
} a;
struct NoteObjectRec;
typedef struct NoteObjectRec NoteObjectRec;
/* note flags and duration stuff */
#define BIT(x) (1UL << (x))
#define eDurationMask (BIT(0) | BIT(1) | BIT(2) | BIT(3))
#define e64thNote (1 * BIT(0)) /* value 0 skipped */
#define e32ndNote (2 * BIT(0))
#define e16thNote (3 * BIT(0))
#define e8thNote (4 * BIT(0))
#define e4thNote (5 * BIT(0))
#define e2ndNote (6 * BIT(0))
#define eWholeNote (7 * BIT(0))
#define eDoubleNote (8 * BIT(0))
#define eQuadNote (9 * BIT(0))
#define eDivisionMask (BIT(4) | BIT(5))
#define eDiv1Modifier (0 * BIT(4))
#define eDiv3Modifier (1 * BIT(4))
#define eDiv5Modifier (2 * BIT(4))
#define eDiv7Modifier (3 * BIT(4))
#define eDotModifier (BIT(6))
#define eFlatModifier (BIT(7))
#define eSharpModifier (BIT(8))
#define eRestModifier (BIT(9))
#define eRelease1OriginMask (BIT(10) | BIT(11))
#define eRelease1FromDefault (1 * BIT(10))
#define eRelease1FromStart (2 * BIT(10))
#define eRelease1FromEnd (3 * BIT(10))
#define eRelease2OriginMask (BIT(12) | BIT(13))
#define eRelease2FromDefault (1 * BIT(12))
#define eRelease2FromStart (2 * BIT(12))
#define eRelease2FromEnd (3 * BIT(12))
#define eRelease3FromStartNotEnd (BIT(14))
#define ePitchDisplacementStartOriginMask (BIT(15) | BIT(16))
#define ePitchDisplacementStartFromDefault (1 * BIT(15))
#define ePitchDisplacementStartFromStart (2 * BIT(15))
#define ePitchDisplacementStartFromEnd (3 * BIT(15))
/* pitch lfo mode control has been moved to the lfo definition */
#define eDEALLOCATED17 (BIT(17))
#define eDEALLOCATED18 (BIT(18))
#define eDetuningModeMask (BIT(19) | BIT(20))
#define eDetuningModeDefault (1 * BIT(19))
#define eDetuningModeHalfSteps (2 * BIT(19))
#define eDetuningModeHertz (3 * BIT(19))
#define eDurationAdjustMask (BIT(21) | BIT(22))
#define eDurationAdjustDefault (1 * BIT(21))
#define eDurationAdjustAdditive (2 * BIT(21))
#define eDurationAdjustMultiplicative (3 * BIT(21))
#define eRetriggerEnvelopesOnTieFlag (BIT(23))
#define ePortamentoHertzNotHalfsteps (BIT(24))
#define eUnusedBitMask (BIT(25) | BIT(26) | BIT(27) | BIT(28) | BIT(29) | BIT(30) | BIT(31))
#define eCommandFlag (BIT(31))
/* commands (low order 31 bits of the flag word) */
/* there are 4 parameters for commands: <1>, <2>, <3>, and <string> */
/* commands <1>, <2>, and <3> can be interpreted as large BCD numbers (xx.xxxxxx), */
/* extended small BCD numbers (xxxxx.xxx), or as integers */
/* large is represented by <_l>, extended small is <_xs>, integer is <_i> */
typedef enum
/* tempo adjustments */
eCmdRestoreTempo EXECUTE(= 17732), /* restore the tempo to the default for the score */
eCmdSetTempo, /* set tempo to <1xs> number of beats per minute */
eCmdIncTempo, /* add <1xs> to the tempo control */
eCmdSweepTempoAbs, /* <1xs> = target tempo, <2xs> = # of beats to reach it */
eCmdSweepTempoRel, /* <1xs> = target adjust (add to tempo), <2xs> = # beats */
/* stereo positioning adjustments */
eCmdRestoreStereoPosition, /* restore stereo position to channel's default */
eCmdSetStereoPosition, /* set position in channel <1l>: -1 = left, 1 = right */
eCmdIncStereoPosition, /* adjust stereo position by adding <1l> */
eCmdSweepStereoAbs, /* <1l> = new pos, <2xs> = # of beats to get there */
eCmdSweepStereoRel, /* <1l> = pos adjust, <2xs> = # beats to get there */
/* surround positioning adjustments */
eCmdRestoreSurroundPosition, /* restore surround position to channel's default */
eCmdSetSurroundPosition, /* set position in channel <1l>: 1 = front, -1 = rear */
eCmdIncSurroundPosition, /* adjust surround position by adding <1l> */
eCmdSweepSurroundAbs, /* <1l> = new pos, <2xs> = # of beats to get there */
eCmdSweepSurroundRel, /* <1l> = pos adjust, <2xs> = # beats to get there */
/* overall volume adjustments */
eCmdRestoreVolume, /* restore the volume to the default for the channel */
eCmdSetVolume, /* set the volume to the specified level (0..1) in <1l> */
eCmdIncVolume, /* multiply <1l> by the volume control */
eCmdSweepVolumeAbs, /* <1l> = new volume, <2xs> = # of beats to reach it */
eCmdSweepVolumeRel, /* <1l> = volume adjust, <2xs> = # of beats to reach it */
/* default release point adjustment values */
eCmdRestoreReleasePoint1, /* restore release point to master default */
eCmdSetReleasePoint1, /* set the default release point to new value <1l> */
eCmdIncReleasePoint1, /* add <1l> to default release point for adjustment */
eCmdReleasePointOrigin1, /* <1i> -1 = from start, 0 = from end of note */
eCmdSweepReleaseAbs1, /* <1l> = new release, <2xs> = # of beats to get there */
eCmdSweepReleaseRel1, /* <1l> = release adjust, <2xs> = # of beats to get there */
eCmdRestoreReleasePoint2, /* restore release point to master default */
eCmdSetReleasePoint2, /* set the default release point to new value <1l> */
eCmdIncReleasePoint2, /* add <1l> to default release point for adjustment */
eCmdReleasePointOrigin2, /* <1i> -1 = from start, 0 = from end of note */
eCmdSweepReleaseAbs2, /* <1l> = new release, <2xs> = # of beats to get there */
eCmdSweepReleaseRel2, /* <1l> = release adjust, <2xs> = # of beats to get there */
/* set the default accent values */
eCmdRestoreAccent1, /* restore accent value to master default */
eCmdSetAccent1, /* specify the new default accent in <1l> */
eCmdIncAccent1, /* add <1l> to the default accent */
eCmdSweepAccentAbs1, /* <1l> = new accent, <2xs> = # of beats to get there */
eCmdSweepAccentRel1, /* <1l> = accent adjust, <2xs> = # of beats to get there */
eCmdRestoreAccent2, /* restore accent value to master default */
eCmdSetAccent2, /* specify the new default accent in <1l> */
eCmdIncAccent2, /* add <1l> to the default accent */
eCmdSweepAccentAbs2, /* <1l> = new accent, <2xs> = # of beats to get there */
eCmdSweepAccentRel2, /* <1l> = accent adjust, <2xs> = # of beats to get there */
eCmdRestoreAccent3, /* restore accent value to master default */
eCmdSetAccent3, /* specify the new default accent in <1l> */
eCmdIncAccent3, /* add <1l> to the default accent */
eCmdSweepAccentAbs3, /* <1l> = new accent, <2xs> = # of beats to get there */
eCmdSweepAccentRel3, /* <1l> = accent adjust, <2xs> = # of beats to get there */
eCmdRestoreAccent4, /* restore accent value to master default */
eCmdSetAccent4, /* specify the new default accent in <1l> */
eCmdIncAccent4, /* add <1l> to the default accent */
eCmdSweepAccentAbs4, /* <1l> = new accent, <2xs> = # of beats to get there */
eCmdSweepAccentRel4, /* <1l> = accent adjust, <2xs> = # of beats to get there */
/* set pitch displacement depth adjustment */
eCmdRestorePitchDispDepth, /* restore max pitch disp depth value to default */
eCmdSetPitchDispDepth, /* set new max pitch disp depth <1l> */
eCmdIncPitchDispDepth, /* add <1l> to the default pitch disp depth */
eCmdSweepPitchDispDepthAbs, /* <1l> = new depth, <2xs> = # of beats */
eCmdSweepPitchDispDepthRel, /* <1l> = depth adjust, <2xs> = # of beats */
/* set pitch displacement rate adjustment */
eCmdRestorePitchDispRate, /* restore max pitch disp rate to the master default */
eCmdSetPitchDispRate, /* set new max pitch disp rate in seconds to <1l> */
eCmdIncPitchDispRate, /* add <1l> to the default max pitch disp rate */
eCmdSweepPitchDispRateAbs, /* <1l> = new rate, <2xs> = # of beats to get there */
eCmdSweepPitchDispRateRel, /* <1l> = rate adjust, <2xs> = # of beats to get there */
/* set pitch displacement start point, same way as release point */
eCmdRestorePitchDispStart, /* restore pitch disp start point to default */
eCmdSetPitchDispStart, /* set the start point to <1l> */
eCmdIncPitchDispStart, /* add <1l> to the pitch disp start point */
eCmdPitchDispStartOrigin, /* specify the origin, same as for release point <1i> */
eCmdSweepPitchDispStartAbs, /* <1l> = new vib start, <2xs> = # of beats */
eCmdSweepPitchDispStartRel, /* <1l> = vib adjust, <2xs> = # of beats */
/* hurry up adjustment */
eCmdRestoreHurryUp, /* restore default hurryup factor */
eCmdSetHurryUp, /* set the hurryup factor to <1l> */
eCmdIncHurryUp, /* add <1l> to the hurryup factor */
eCmdSweepHurryUpAbs, /* <1l> = new hurryup factor, <2xs> = # of beats */
eCmdSweepHurryUpRel, /* <1l> = hurryup adjust, <2xs> = # of beats to get there */
/* default detune */
eCmdRestoreDetune, /* restore the default detune factor */
eCmdSetDetune, /* set the detune factor to <1l> */
eCmdIncDetune, /* add <1l> to current detune factor */
eCmdDetuneMode, /* <1i>: -1: Hertz, 0: half-steps */
eCmdSweepDetuneAbs, /* <1l> = new detune, <2xs> = # of beats */
eCmdSweepDetuneRel, /* <1l> = detune adjust, <2xs> = # of beats */
/* default early/late adjust */
eCmdRestoreEarlyLateAdjust, /* restore the default early/late adjust value */
eCmdSetEarlyLateAdjust, /* set the early/late adjust value to <1l> */
eCmdIncEarlyLateAdjust, /* add <1l> to the current early/late adjust value */
eCmdSweepEarlyLateAbs, /* <1l> = new early/late adjust, <2xs> = # of beats */
eCmdSweepEarlyLateRel, /* <1l> = early/late delta, <2xs> = # of beats to get there */
/* default duration adjust */
eCmdRestoreDurationAdjust, /* restore the default duration adjust value */
eCmdSetDurationAdjust, /* set duration adjust value to <1l> */
eCmdIncDurationAdjust, /* add <1l> to the current duration adjust value */
eCmdSweepDurationAbs, /* <1l> = new duration adjust, <2xs> = # of beats */
eCmdSweepDurationRel, /* <1l> = duration adjust delta, <2xs> = # of beats */
eCmdDurationAdjustMode, /* <1i>: -1: Multiplicative, 0: Additive */
/* set the meter. this is used by the editor for placing measure bars. */
/* measuring restarts immediately after this command */
eCmdSetMeter, /* <1i> = numerator, <2i> = denominator */
/* immediately change the measure number */
eCmdSetMeasureNumber, /* <1i> = new number */
/* set the track transpose to some number of half-steps */
eCmdSetTranspose, /* <1i> = signed number of half-steps */
eCmdAdjustTranspose, /* <1i> = added to the current transpose value */
/* set and adjust effect control parameters */
eCmdSetEffectParam1, /* specify the new default effect parameter in <1l> */
eCmdIncEffectParam1, /* add <1l> to the default effect parameter */
eCmdSweepEffectParamAbs1, /* <1l> = new effect parameter, <2xs> = # of beats to get there */
eCmdSweepEffectParamRel1, /* <1l> = effect parameter adjust, <2xs> = # of beats to get there */
eCmdSetEffectParam2, /* specify the new default effect parameter in <1l> */
eCmdIncEffectParam2, /* add <1l> to the default effect parameter */
eCmdSweepEffectParamAbs2, /* <1l> = new effect parameter, <2xs> = # of beats to get there */
eCmdSweepEffectParamRel2, /* <1l> = effect parameter adjust, <2xs> = # of beats to get there */
eCmdSetEffectParam3, /* specify the new default effect parameter in <1l> */
eCmdIncEffectParam3, /* add <1l> to the default effect parameter */
eCmdSweepEffectParamAbs3, /* <1l> = new effect parameter, <2xs> = # of beats to get there */
eCmdSweepEffectParamRel3, /* <1l> = effect parameter adjust, <2xs> = # of beats to get there */
eCmdSetEffectParam4, /* specify the new default effect parameter in <1l> */
eCmdIncEffectParam4, /* add <1l> to the default effect parameter */
eCmdSweepEffectParamAbs4, /* <1l> = new effect parameter, <2xs> = # of beats to get there */
eCmdSweepEffectParamRel4, /* <1l> = effect parameter adjust, <2xs> = # of beats to get there */
/* track effect processor enable switch */
eCmdTrackEffectEnable, /* <1i>: -1 = enable, 0 = disable */
/* set and adjust global score effect control parameters */
eCmdSetScoreEffectParam1, /* specify the new default score effect parameter in <1l> */
eCmdIncScoreEffectParam1, /* add <1l> to the default score effect parameter */
eCmdSweepScoreEffectParamAbs1, /* <1l> = new score effect parameter, <2xs> = # of beats to get there */
eCmdSweepScoreEffectParamRel1, /* <1l> = score effect parameter adjust, <2xs> = # of beats to get there */
eCmdSetScoreEffectParam2, /* specify the new default score effect parameter in <1l> */
eCmdIncScoreEffectParam2, /* add <1l> to the default score effect parameter */
eCmdSweepScoreEffectParamAbs2, /* <1l> = new score effect parameter, <2xs> = # of beats to get there */
eCmdSweepScoreEffectParamRel2, /* <1l> = score effect parameter adjust, <2xs> = # of beats to get there */
eCmdSetScoreEffectParam3, /* specify the new default score effect parameter in <1l> */
eCmdIncScoreEffectParam3, /* add <1l> to the default score effect parameter */
eCmdSweepScoreEffectParamAbs3, /* <1l> = new score effect parameter, <2xs> = # of beats to get there */
eCmdSweepScoreEffectParamRel3, /* <1l> = score effect parameter adjust, <2xs> = # of beats to get there */
eCmdSetScoreEffectParam4, /* specify the new default score effect parameter in <1l> */
eCmdIncScoreEffectParam4, /* add <1l> to the default score effect parameter */
eCmdSweepScoreEffectParamAbs4, /* <1l> = new score effect parameter, <2xs> = # of beats to get there */
eCmdSweepScoreEffectParamRel4, /* <1l> = score effect parameter adjust, <2xs> = # of beats to get there */
/* text marker in the score */
eCmdMarker /* <string> holds the text */
} NoteCommands;
/* create a new note with space for the specified number of parameters */
NoteObjectRec* NewNote(void);
/* create a new command */
NoteObjectRec* NewCommand(void);
/* dispose of the note or command */
void DisposeNote(NoteObjectRec* Note);
/* find out what type of thing it is */
MyBoolean IsItACommand(NoteObjectRec* Note);
/* convert the duration of the note into a fraction */
void GetNoteDurationFrac(NoteObjectRec* Note, struct FractionRec* Frac);
/* draw the command on the screen, or measure how many pixels wide the image will be */
/* if it will draw, it assumes the clipping rectangle to be set up properly */
OrdType DrawCommandOnScreen(WinType* Window, OrdType X, OrdType Y,
FontType Font, FontSizeType FontSize, OrdType FontHeight,
NoteObjectRec* Note, MyBoolean ActuallyDraw, MyBoolean GreyedOut);
/* get a static null terminated string literal containing the name of a command */
char* GetCommandName(NoteCommands Command);
typedef enum
eNoParameters EXECUTE(= -425),
e1SmallExtParameter, /* <1xs> */
e2SmallExtParameters, /* <1xs> <2xs> */
e1LargeParameter, /* <1l> */
eFirstLargeSecondSmallExtParameters, /* <1l> <2xs> */
e1ParamReleaseOrigin, /* origin <1i> */
e1PitchDisplacementMode, /* hertz/steps <1i> */
e2IntegerParameters, /* <1i> <2i> */
e1DurationAdjustMode, /* multiplicative/additive <1i> */
e1IntegerParameter, /* <1i> */
e1StringParameterWithLineFeeds, /* <string> */
e1TrackEffectsMode /* enable/disable <1i> */
} CommandAddrMode;
/* get the addressing mode for a command */
CommandAddrMode GetCommandAddressingMode(NoteCommands Command);
/* get the actual string argument contained in a command. NIL == not defined yet */
char* GetCommandStringArg(NoteObjectRec* Command);
/* get the first numeric argument contained in a command */
long GetCommandNumericArg1(NoteObjectRec* Command);
/* get the second numeric argument contained in a command */
long GetCommandNumericArg2(NoteObjectRec* Command);
/* get the third numeric argument contained in a command */
long GetCommandNumericArg3(NoteObjectRec* Command);
/* put a new string into the command. the command becomes owner of the string. */
void PutCommandStringArg(NoteObjectRec* Command, char* NewArg);
/* put a new first numeric argument into the command */
void PutCommandNumericArg1(NoteObjectRec* Command, long NewValue);
/* put a new second numeric argument into the command */
void PutCommandNumericArg2(NoteObjectRec* Command, long NewValue);
/* put a new third numeric argument into the command */
void PutCommandNumericArg3(NoteObjectRec* Command, long NewValue);
/* get the pitch of a note */
short GetNotePitch(NoteObjectRec* Note);
/* get the portamento transition time for the note */
double GetNotePortamentoDuration(NoteObjectRec* Note);
/* get the early/late adjustment factor for a note */
double GetNoteEarlyLateAdjust(NoteObjectRec* Note);
/* get the duration adjust value for a note */
double GetNoteDurationAdjust(NoteObjectRec* Note);
/* get a pointer to the note that this note ties to or NIL if there is no tie */
NoteObjectRec* GetNoteTieTarget(NoteObjectRec* Note);
/* get the first release point position from a note */
double GetNoteReleasePoint1(NoteObjectRec* Note);
/* get the second release point position from a note */
double GetNoteReleasePoint2(NoteObjectRec* Note);
/* get the overall loudness factor for the note */
double GetNoteOverallLoudnessAdjustment(NoteObjectRec* Note);
/* get the stereo positioning for the note */
double GetNoteStereoPositioning(NoteObjectRec* Note);
/* get the surround positioning for the note */
double GetNoteSurroundPositioning(NoteObjectRec* Note);
/* get the first accent factor for the note */
double GetNoteAccent1(NoteObjectRec* Note);
/* get the second accent factor for the note */
double GetNoteAccent2(NoteObjectRec* Note);
/* get the third accent factor for the note */
double GetNoteAccent3(NoteObjectRec* Note);
/* get the fourth accent factor for the note */
double GetNoteAccent4(NoteObjectRec* Note);
/* get the pitch that the table selector should treat the note as using */
short GetNoteMultisampleFalsePitch(NoteObjectRec* Note);
/* get the pitch displacement depth adjust factor for the note */
double GetNotePitchDisplacementDepthAdjust(NoteObjectRec* Note);
/* get the pitch displacement rate adjust factor for the note */
double GetNotePitchDisplacementRateAdjust(NoteObjectRec* Note);
/* get the pitch displacement envelope start point */
double GetNotePitchDisplacementStartPoint(NoteObjectRec* Note);
/* get the hurryup factor for the note */
double GetNoteHurryUpFactor(NoteObjectRec* Note);
/* get the detuning adjustment for the note */
double GetNoteDetuning(NoteObjectRec* Note);
/* change the pitch of a note */
void PutNotePitch(NoteObjectRec* Note, short NewPitch);
/* get the portamento transition time for the note */
void PutNotePortamentoDuration(NoteObjectRec* Note,
double NewPortamentoDuration);
/* change the early/late adjustment factor for a note */
void PutNoteEarlyLateAdjust(NoteObjectRec* Note, double NewEarlyLate);
/* change the duration adjust value for a note */
void PutNoteDurationAdjust(NoteObjectRec* Note,
double NewDurationAdjust);
/* change the pointer to the note that this note ties to. */
void PutNoteTieTarget(NoteObjectRec* Note, NoteObjectRec* NewTieTarget);
/* change the first release point position from a note */
void PutNoteReleasePoint1(NoteObjectRec* Note, double NewReleasePoint1);
/* change the second release point position from a note */
void PutNoteReleasePoint2(NoteObjectRec* Note, double NewReleasePoint2);
/* change the overall loudness factor for the note */
void PutNoteOverallLoudnessAdjustment(NoteObjectRec* Note,
double NewLoudnessAdjust);
/* change the stereo positioning for the note */
void PutNoteStereoPositioning(NoteObjectRec* Note,
double NewStereoPosition);
/* change the surround positioning for the note */
void PutNoteSurroundPositioning(NoteObjectRec* Note,
double NewSurroundPosition);
/* change the first accent factor for the note */
void PutNoteAccent1(NoteObjectRec* Note, double NewAccent1);
/* change the second accent factor for the note */
void PutNoteAccent2(NoteObjectRec* Note, double NewAccent2);
/* change the third accent factor for the note */
void PutNoteAccent3(NoteObjectRec* Note, double NewAccent3);
/* change the fourth accent factor for the note */
void PutNoteAccent4(NoteObjectRec* Note, double NewAccent4);
/* change the pitch that the table selector should treat the note as using */
void PutNoteMultisampleFalsePitch(NoteObjectRec* Note,
short NewFalsePitch);
/* change the pitch displacement depth adjust factor for the note */
void PutNotePitchDisplacementDepthAdjust(NoteObjectRec* Note,
double NewPitchDisplacementDepthAdjust);
/* change the pitch displacement rate adjust factor for the note */
void PutNotePitchDisplacementRateAdjust(NoteObjectRec* Note,
double NewPitchDisplacementRateAdjust);
/* change the pitch displacement envelope start point */
void PutNotePitchDisplacementStartPoint(NoteObjectRec* Note,
double NewPitchDisplacementStartPoint);
/* change the hurryup factor for the note */
void PutNoteHurryUpFactor(NoteObjectRec* Note, double NewHurryUpFactor);
/* change the detuning adjustment for the note */
void PutNoteDetuning(NoteObjectRec* Note, double NewDetuning);
/* get the opcode for a command */
NoteCommands GetCommandOpcode(NoteObjectRec* Command);
/* put a new opcode in the command */
void PutCommandOpcode(NoteObjectRec* Command, NoteCommands NewOpcode);
/* get the duration of a note */
unsigned long GetNoteDuration(NoteObjectRec* Note);
/* get the duration division of a note */
unsigned long GetNoteDurationDivision(NoteObjectRec* Note);
/* get the dot status of a note */
MyBoolean GetNoteDotStatus(NoteObjectRec* Note);
/* get the flat or sharp status of a note */
unsigned long GetNoteFlatOrSharpStatus(NoteObjectRec* Note);
/* get the rest status of a note */
MyBoolean GetNoteIsItARest(NoteObjectRec* Note);
/* get the first release point origin of a note */
unsigned long GetNoteRelease1Origin(NoteObjectRec* Note);
/* get the second release point origin of a note */
unsigned long GetNoteRelease2Origin(NoteObjectRec* Note);
/* get the third release from start instead of end flag of a note */
MyBoolean GetNoteRelease3FromStartInsteadOfEnd(NoteObjectRec* Note);
/* get the pitch displacement origin of a note */
unsigned long GetNotePitchDisplacementStartOrigin(NoteObjectRec* Note);
/* get the detuning pitch conversion mode of a note */
unsigned long GetNoteDetuneConversionMode(NoteObjectRec* Note);
/* get the retrigger envelope on tie status of a note */
MyBoolean GetNoteRetriggerEnvelopesOnTieStatus(NoteObjectRec* Note);
/* get the duration adjustment mode of a note */
unsigned long GetNoteDurationAdjustMode(NoteObjectRec* Note);
/* get a flag indicating that portamento should use Hertz instead of halfsteps */
MyBoolean GetNotePortamentoHertzNotHalfstepsFlag(NoteObjectRec* Note);
/* change the duration of a note */
void PutNoteDuration(NoteObjectRec* Note, unsigned long NewDuration);
/* change the duration division of a note */
void PutNoteDurationDivision(NoteObjectRec* Note,
unsigned long NewDivision);
/* change the dot status of a note */
void PutNoteDotStatus(NoteObjectRec* Note, MyBoolean HasADot);
/* change the flat or sharp status of a note */
void PutNoteFlatOrSharpStatus(NoteObjectRec* Note,
unsigned long NewFlatOrSharpStatus);
/* change the rest status of a note */
void PutNoteIsItARest(NoteObjectRec* Note, MyBoolean IsARest);
/* change the first release point origin of a note */
void PutNoteRelease1Origin(NoteObjectRec* Note,
unsigned long NewReleasePoint1Origin);
/* change the second release point origin of a note */
void PutNoteRelease2Origin(NoteObjectRec* Note,
unsigned long NewReleasePoitn2Origin);
/* change the third release from start instead of end flag of a note */
void PutNoteRelease3FromStartInsteadOfEnd(NoteObjectRec* Note,
MyBoolean ShouldWeReleasePoint3FromStartInsteadOfEnd);
/* change the pitch displacement origin of a note */
void PutNotePitchDisplacementStartOrigin(NoteObjectRec* Note,
unsigned long NewPitchDisplacementStartOrigin);
/* change the detuning pitch conversion mode of a note */
void PutNoteDetuneConversionMode(NoteObjectRec* Note,
unsigned long NewDetuneConversionMode);
/* change the retrigger envelope on tie status of a note */
void PutNoteRetriggerEnvelopesOnTieStatus(NoteObjectRec* Note,
MyBoolean ShouldWeRetriggerEnvelopesOnTie);
/* change the duration adjustment mode of a note */
void PutNoteDurationAdjustMode(NoteObjectRec* Note,
unsigned long NewDurationAdjustMode);
/* change the flag indicating that portamento should use Hertz instead of halfsteps */
void PutNotePortamentoHertzNotHalfstepsFlag(NoteObjectRec* Note,
MyBoolean ShouldWeUseHertzInsteadOfHalfsteps);
/* read a note object in from a file. this does not handle ties since they */
/* are done separately. */
FileLoadingErrors NoteObjectNewFromFile(NoteObjectRec** ObjectOut,
struct BufferedInputRec* Input, short FormatVersionNumber);
/* write a note object to the file. this does not handle ties since they are */
/* done separately. */
FileLoadingErrors NoteObjectWriteDataOut(NoteObjectRec* Note,
struct BufferedOutputRec* Output);
/* make a complete copy of the note/command and any blocks it has allocated */
NoteObjectRec* DeepCopyNoteObject(NoteObjectRec* Note);